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Projekt To Do Liptov
In the general interest we have decided to do something prosperous and we came up with a project TO DO LIPTOV. The reason why we have decided to take steps was a need to make such a map about Liptov. We have met with some opinions that Liptov is a boring place. That is not true. This map and its internet page will convince you about it. They both promote Liptov region and its possible activities in tourism.
We are still working on this project. Hope, early will be everything on this page translated to english language.
In this moment you can download english version of our print map To Do Liptov. Thanks for understanding.
Map To Do Liptov for download in JPG
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Naposledy pridané miesta
Tento projekt bol podporený Európskou komisiou. Za obsah web stránky sú zodpovední autori a Európska komisia nenesie žiadnu zodpovednosť za akékoľvek použitie zverejnených informácií.